Finding the right candidates for your facility can be a daunting task. You need a skilled employee than can bring added value to your organization. We have a database of highly skilled and reliable candidates to join your team.
We have database of qualified:
Why use VelvetHands Homecare to Staff your facility?
We provide value to your facility by being solution driven
Gurantee low employee turnover rate
Cancel whenever
All employes have passed background check
We provide employee benefits so your company don’t have to
All Velvethands employees must complete quarterly trainings
Our employees are trained on your facility protocols
Avoid hassle of shift scheduling
Is your healthcare facility facing these issues?
Employee retention too low
Cost of recruiting too high?
Unmotivated employees
Unpunctual employees
Ineffective managers
Shortage of employees during holiday seasons
Uncooperative employees
Scheduling issues
We can help solve these issues within 90 days (Ask about this speacial offer)
We’ve developed a psychological approach to solving these problems that when implemented properly, can improve your employee retention and business operation